Tuesday, August 28, 2007

So, here I am. My first foray into the community of bloggers. This should be interesting since I'm unbelievably computer challenged. I'll probably turn this into spaghetti before it's even off the first page so watch out for flying sauce!

I've just gotten so wrapped up in reading other blogs that I had to give it a try myself.....some of them are so good that I find myself glued to the chair while I read everything posted by certain bloggers.....try going into the bathroom with a desk chair as an appendage sometime! Having let everything resembling housework fall off my "to do" list so I can read blogs is starting to result in lots of fun things for my kitties to play with, so there are now five very happy creatures running rampant. The parrot isn't quite as happy.....he must miss my kitchen visits since screaming from his cage upstairs has become more frequent of late.

Has anyone figured a way to claim pets as dependents on income tax yet? It's becoming more obvious to me all the time that I only purchased this house to have a place for the critters to gather for meals, take naps and demand attention. And word seems to have permeated the neighborhood...I can tell because I moved here with four cats and a parrot, one cat disappeared during my first year and one cat died at the beginning of the second, but I'm still feeding 5 cats in the house and at least one more outside. If I hadn't had all of them "fixed" I could probably blame it on them breeding with the dust bunnies.....I tried vacuuming one of those up one day but it turned out to be one of the cats!

In truth, I love my critters but there are times when I question my sanity......well.....I would question it if I thought I was ever sane in the first place......but back to the subject.....Woodstock is a blue-fronted Amazon and he is the one that makes the house rules....when you will be getting up is completely up to him. It's possible he was a rooster in another life since the sunrise requires that he let anyone within a city block be informed of that momentous occasion.....at the top of his lungs and trust me, you will get up! The alternative being the loss of most of your hearing. He also controls how often the kitchen floor will be swept....possesing an advanced talent for seed flinging means that at least a pound of his kibble manages to find it's way to pretty much every square inch of the floor, so it's sweep or listen to it crunch under your feet at sunrise before you can even find the coffee pot....and I'm much more of a night person, so he wins that one. In a desperate attempt to let nature take it's course, I occasionaly will let him out of the cage, thinking that the cats will solve the problem. But they must have worked out a deal, since that results in him attacking them while they run for their lives. Aren't birds supposed to be afraid of cats??? Personally, I think it's all a performance....he gives them feathers to play with, let's them lie on top of his cage & he makes sure I get up early to feed them before they waste away to blobs of fur.

Maybe by the next time I get around to playing with this blog thingy I will have figured out how to post a picture. Not exactly sure when that's gonna be......is it tomorrow yet??