Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Brain won't work

So I'm cheating & taking the advice of another ya get to read a bunch of stuff about me you probably don't really wanna know anyhow!

60 Things You Possibly Didn't Know About Me
1. What is in the back seat of your car right now? A jacket, gloves, window scraper,the tiny little phone book from this county,at least two bar towels,an old waitress apron,a bunch of coupon fliers that are probably out of date....and more stuff, but it's cold & snowy so I'm not gonna go look.
2. When was the last time you threw up? All day from the afternoon of the 9th to the 10th of this month.
3. What's your favorite curse word? Fucketh Thee!
4. Name 3 people who made you smile today? Nobody so far!
5. What were you doing at 8 am this morning? Finishing up my shower to go out.
6. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Playing hearts on
7. What will you be doing 3 hours from now? Probably letting the cats in or out
8. Have you ever been to a strip club? Nah, they got nothin I wanna see bad enough to pay for
9. What is the last thing you said aloud? Hello
10. What is the best ice cream flavor? It's a toss up between Ben & Jerry's pistachio & butter pecan
11. What was the last thing you had to drink? tap water
12. What are you wearing right now? sweat pants, sweat shirt & fleece booties
13. What was the last thing you ate? some tater tots from Sonic
14. Have you bought any new clothing items this week? Nope!
15. When was the last time you ran? If distance doesn't count, then last month when the water pipe broke.
16. What's the last sporting event you watched???? Skiing on TV this weekend, but in person I can't even remember!
18. Who is the last person you emailed? forwarded one to my brother
19. Ever go camping? Yes, a bunch of times, but not in over a year & I'm having withdrawal pains!
20. Do you have a tan? Does the little strip on my neck count??
24. Do you drink your soda from a straw? I hardly drink soda & it depends on how it was served to me
25. What did your last IM say? I don't do IM
26. Are you someone's best friend? Beats the heck outta me!
27. What are you doing tomorrow? I have no idea, but as little as possible!
28. Where is your mom right now? I don't's not my turn to watch her!
29. Look to your left, what do you see? The poor tattered wall hanging my Mom made for me announcing the birth of my 1970 fer cryin out loud!
30. What color is your watch? Which one?
31. What do you think of when you think of Australia ? Koala's, kangaroo's & aboriginies
32. Would you consider plastic surgery? Yep, if somebody else was paying for it!
33. What is your birthstone? sapphire
4. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? Mostly the drive thru, if I wanted to eat inside I wouldn't be at a fast food joint!
35.How many kids do you want? Just the one did it for me, thanks!
36. Do you have a dog? not really, but there is a stray that's been hanging around here for about 3 weeks....maybe I should quit feeding her!
37. Last person you talked to on the phone? The recorded message that says "this is a very important call for you" at which point I hung...if it's so damn important, then don't send me a recording!
38. Have you met anyone famous? Yep, many, best known were probably Liz Taylor, Richard Burton, Cher, Englebert Humperdink, Kenny Rodgers, Burt Reynolds, Don Shula & most of the Dolphins from the dream team, several golf pro's, Jeb Bush, Johnny Cash, June Carter-Cash, and briefly John F Kennedy before he was elected. There's more, but my brain is having a fart right now!
39. Any plans today? This was the first day in weeks that I actually got some errands run.
40. How many states have you lived in? Just two, but I was living when I went thru a bunch...does that count?
41. Ever go to college? Only for some training classes
42. Where are you right now? Home, in front of the computer....again.....sigh
43. Biggest annoyance in your life right now? ME!
44. Last song listened to? Whatever they were singing on American Idol last night.
45. Are you allergic to anything? mangoes, hair conditioner & a whole list of things I don't even know but gives me the hives!
47. Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time?Crocs
48. Are you jealous of anyone? Everyone!
50. Is anyone jealous of you? Probably somebody somewhere, but nobody I know!
51. What time is it? Time for me to fix some dinner!
52. Do any of your friends have children? Yep.
53. Do you eat healthy? Sometimes, but then I indulge myself for being good....ya think that might be counter-productive???
54. What do you usually do during the day? Dodge the kitties.
55. Do you hate anyone right now? Nope, takes too much energy.
56. Do you use the word 'hello' daily? Only if the phone rings.
58. How old will you be turning on your next birthday? One year older than I am right now!
59. Have you ever been to Six Flags? Nope
60. How did you get one of your scars? I have a really old scar from when I knelt on the stove burner as a kid...trying to get the cookie jar! You'd think that would put me off cookies, but you'd be wrong!

And I just noticed that question number 46 is must be upstairs eating my dinner!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Tennessee kitties

I have 5 cats. Yeah, I know....shuddup! Anyway, one of these cats I've had since I lived in Miami in '98, one I got as a kitten just before I moved here in '05. He's grown up here. The other 3 were born here & I got sucked into ownership....I said shuddup!
There's been some thunderstorms around here a few times lately & I'm used to dogs that freak out when it thunders. But I've never had cats go crazy in them before. Cats are supposed to be calm & nonchalant during these things unless they are getting directly rained on.....then it's acceptable to give a look of pure distain, amble into a sheltered spot & lick the few drops that managed to get up the nerve to land on them.
My Florida girl paid the thunder no mind this morning...continued to snore thru it. The Florida boy was sleeping on the stair rail & just gripped it a bit tighter...but his eyes did get a little wider & his ears were twitching.
So it's 4:45 in the frickin morning & I hear a loud clap of thunder, the sound of papers flying in the kitchen, the rattle of the metal burner covers on the stove, kittie nails scritching across surfaces & somebody's fur covered self goes flying across my hip & legs while I'm struggling into conciousness on the couch. My 3 born & bred Tennessee critters are having hysterics all over the place. One is dashing around the kitchen....he's the one I rescued from the diesel pumps at work & was probably born outside to one of the strays, you'd figure he had some street sense & you'd be wrong. The other 2 lived outside since birth until they were about 6 months old & their Momma had disappeared so I brought them in, and they were used to all kinds of weather.....but they seem to have gotten soft....really soft. Those 2 were hollering in the bathroom & one had been sleeping on my legs until that first clap hit....then he ass....on the way to the bathroom where his brother was already cowering in the garden tub.
Everybody's ears were twitching & twirling as the thunder continued. Every flash of lightening caused a mass bolt to secure an even better spot. BB (diesel kitty) decide the safest spot was out of the kitchen up under the covers with me & preferably up my ass......I said no, but it was a toss-up about who was going to win that particular battle for a few minutes. Topaz & Tiger (the experienced outdoor brothers) decided all the towels on the rack in the bathroom would be adequate protection, so they pulled them down & stood on them while they howled. Smokie (Florida girl) looked around, twitched her ears & went back to snoring by the front door. Sarge (Florida Boy)stretched on the stair rail, then decided to join the fun by teasing the 3 weather weenies......this consists of running back & forth between the front & back doors & apparently yowling that breakfast is ready so the others will all head for the kitchen......but I wasn't off the couch yet & it was about 2 hours until breakfast for now they're all voicing their unhappiness & each has individual ways to force me to get up. They've practiced these tecniques to slurps at the water fountain until it gets below the spot where I have to fill it or risk burning out the motor, another starts scratching on the burner covers to make me think she's just burying whatever she's just deposited there.....that's so I have to get up to clean up or catch her in the act hoping to re-train that bit of behavior. Another is downstairs playing with the ball-in-a-circle toy....a more annoying sound is yet to be developed...yet another is simply standing in the middle of the dining room table & yowling, and the final little hellion is engaged in making mincemeat out of the loveseat cover....a move that always makes me get up to fling something in his direction.
By now the thunder is down to a distant rumble every 10 minutes or so & even the two stray cats that will NEVER be coming in the house....SHUDDUP....but wait outside patiently every morning for their little handout, are standing where I can see them thru the window behind the parrot's cage.....and they are not being patient of them is spraying the damn window!
I held out for almost an hour.....but breakfast was early today. OH SHUDDUP!


So if ya read my "about me" thingy then you know one of the reasons I moved out of Florida was to escape from the hurricanes. I knew there was the occasional nasty bit of Springtime weather to put up with here, but unless there is a repeat of the big ice storm that happened here a bunch of years ago, I figured I could handle the rest of Momma Nature's bits of whimsey.
The first thing I found out after arrival was that the local news stations treat a thunderstorm like the Apocolypse....I mean they just don't shut up their yaps for the entire time one is brewing....or has a chance of brewing....or is thinking about brewing anytime in the next 24 hours. Now this is pretty much over the top for somebody who lived in an area that had thunderstorms every single afternoon like clockwork all Summer, and any other time hot & cool air decided to mix it up. I could be mowing the lawn & watch storms a few blocks away...time it just right and finish up when the first few drops started to fall.
Another big deal, just move yer tushie if you saw any lightening or heard thunder less than 7 or 8 miles away. Very rarely there might be a funnel cloud, but even if there was, little damage occured.
Now the news coverage for this stuff was a brief mention of the usual storms brewing & which side of the highway they were on. Not like for hurricanes which cause daaays of coverage with no real change of information from that given in the first half hour until the booger hits and destroys everything for miles.
Anyway, there's a lot of warnings here at the first drop of rain or heavy gust of wind....just like when the first few snowflakes start coming down. It's always made me wonder what these newsfolks would do if this was like South Florida every day....or like some more northern state where it really snows. I remember visiting our cabin in Pennsylvania during the winter back in the 70' was nothing to finish the drive up by stopping to put chains on the tires & I would go for long walks in the woods while it was -12 degrees. Put an inch on the ground around here & they're closing the schools! I guess expecting parents & bus drivers to slow down for the conditions is no longer part of the equation....gotta protect the folks from themselves or they might sue the city for getting in an accident.

So yesterday I'm trying to watch some TV & getting constant interuptions from the weather broadcasters about a nasty thunderstorm that's beating it up from Alabama & Mississippi, trailing twisters in its' wake. Already done some serious damage in Memphis, beat the heck out of a little college and was headed straight for Nashville.
Now this really was a serious event, several people lost their lives, more were injured and many homes were completely destroyed. Nothing funny about any of it. The problem is the news coverage....the channel I watch because it has what seems to be the best (ok....the easiest for me to grasp!) radar images has a terrible tendency to vomit up information as soon as they get matter where or from whom it comes. I don't think double checking is on their "to-do" list, so in the space of 30 minutes they will report all kinds of figures for damage, numbers of hurt, injured, missing. But they NEVER go back and clarify that the original info they reported was not correct. They are so in love with the sound of their own voices that they go on with barely a breath & you can hear the excitment bubbling over. This tends to panic people.
Panicked people tend to do the wrong thing and sit in front of the TV for the running status reports. They become numb. Then while this particular storm was passing right over the TV station itself, the broadcasters set the brilliant example of not taking fact, they are sending little news interns OUTSIDE in the hail to collect pieces of it to bring inside to show on camera.....where it doesn't show up at all since it's melting & white & lying on a white plate!
This happened to be the big election night.....not like I really give a ratz azz about it, but during all the storm coverage they ran an impossible to read bit of info across the bottom of the screen about 3 times. None of the storm's effects came anywhere near me, but I was ready if it did. It wasn't until 4:45 this morning that I experienced any influence from the weather & that was a loud clap of thunder that woke me from the sleep I'd finally started to get around 1AM, followed by some brisk winds, a quick downpour followed by some normal rain......none of this was more than briefly mentioned by the media. Now that thunder & lightening was right over my head & I kind of WANTED some info.....nothing! I resorted to tuning to the static feed on channel 1, which is a repeating radar map of this general area, the truly local forecast.....which is showing zero rain in the rain guage as usual even when it's been raining all bloomin day, and a national weather radar map.....all this accompanied by the less than soothing sounds of some radio broadcast which has nothing what-so-ever to do with the frickin weather!
Finally the broadcast stations get around to mentioning the weather is starting to calm down as it passes to the east.....but there are now tornado watches issued for my area, among others & they pretty much hand off any further developments off to the stations that broadcast out of the Knoxville area.....which is great, but MY NEWS COMES OUT OF THE NASHVILLE AREA!!
Well, all's well was a non-event in my pretty secure spot. I happen to live in a small dip of a minor hill....surrounded on 3 sides by slightly higher areas and just a little down the hill is another hill. In other words.....I kind of live in the ditch they tell you to throw yourself into if you are out in the open and see a tornado coming. Three sides of my downstairs are surrounded by earth, the doors are all steel except for the one protected by 25 feet of deck and two of the rooms don't even have windows....the whole thing is solid cbs block & cement......I don't worry about a safe room. The upstairs is ground level on 3 sides, solid logs & only a few feet stick up above the hill. I've got lots of trees that could fall down, but only a few close enough to hit any part of the house if they went down....could happen, but not likely from they lay of things.
The thing that gets me about all of this is the wisdom or sheer dumb luck I had to move here because of end up where they have frickin tornadoes in the middle of winter, but find myself in a pretty well protected long as there is no ice storm....well, I AM ON A DAMN HILL & ice makes getting down a steep driveway in a car with normal tires on it a bit of a challenge!! So far it hasn't even snowed enough to let me slide down the hill on a garbage can lid, let alone iced up the driveway.......just sayin......

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Pay backs suck!

So after last weeks fortunate turn out of the water leak problem, I'm feeling pretty good. Looking forward to the possibility of a trip this next weekend down to a motorcycle show in Norcross, GA and seeing some friends I haven't visited with in a while. Depends on how the finances look, but it may just be do-able if I'm careful.
So I keep double checking my reservations & looking over the route, setting my AirSet calendar to remind me in case I have to cancel at the last minute. Things are lining up & it's looking good.
Friday I had a mystery shop at Sonic to do for breakfast.....I don't reccomend the Super Breakfast Burrito, it's weird & soggy....but I was hungry & hey, I get re-imbursed for the food, so what ever! Well, I didn't eat anything else all day & got the burns for a Pizza Hut pepperoni & I had a coupon for two I call them up to make an order & hit the first little pay's gonna be at least 50 minutes 'cause they're so swamped. I'd hoped to pick it up & be home in time for 7PM prime time, but ok, I'll live. So I take off in time to be a little early & I think I'm lucky since they are already sitting in the warmer waiting for me when I get to the counter.....I should have paid attention to that! Anyway, I pay & zip back home, fling myself & the goodies in front of the TV & start munching. A couple slices of pepperoni & a couple of Hawaian and I'm already stuffed, so I do the usual & shut the boxes but don't put them in the fridge.....never have bothered before & haven't had a problem, even when I've left them sitting on top of the stove for a couple of days.
The next morning I scarf down a slice so I can take my vitamins.....lately it seems if I don't eat something first it's been upsetting my stomach other wise. Guess I'm getting old & the iron stomach is letting me down a bit.
The rest of the day gets spent in front of the computer with a break around 2PM to have some more of the pizza, but this time I heat it up in the microwave....still nothing different than I've done dozens of times. Around 5ish or so I start to feel not so great, a little warm, kind of a headache and a touch dizzy. I kind of ignore it for a while, but suddenly I'm dashing for the bathroom & barely make it in time the turn my insides the amusement & confusion of the kitties, since I'm pretty much laying on the floor & they think I must be there to play with me.....I didn't wanna play with ANYTHING!!
I get cleaned up & head back to the computer, but start feeling even worse, so I shut things off & go back upstairs & relax on the couch......for all of about 10 minutes....then it's another dash to not quite make it this time, but close enough for the 3rd & 4th episodes of attempting to get my toenails to crawl up thru my body & leap to their demise in the toilet bowl. Now my sides hurt, my head is throbbing & when I stand up it's a toss up as to just how long vertical is a managable task. Think your worst hangover ever....without the fun from the night before! And before I forget to mention it.....the 4th episode was accompanied with extreme diarreah. Wasn't bad enough already, right??!!
It's a difficult decision about where to toss my second set of nasty clothes and should I just now sit & use the plastic lined wicker basket for whatever is still left in my poor stomach.
After about 30 minutes I start to feel like I can get up now, so I make my way back to the couch....but I was wrong.....very wrong! I was back in there like a flash in 10 more minutes. Sometimes it's good to live alone.....I just stayed in clean underwear & a clean sweatshirt for the rest of the night! But I wasn't looking forward to doing the laundry!
Sooooo, I was now running a nasty little fever, shivering, head pounding & queasy. And every five or ten minutes I had to go sit in there again. Good thing the plumbing leak had been fixed, but I think I made up for not using up much space in the septic tank since I've moved here!
This little "party" went on most of the night, little sips of water that at least stayed down....if not "in!" All day Sunday it was the same....couldn't sneeze, cough, laugh or clench my stomach muscles to get off the couch without risking another pair of undies. I went thru 2 1/2 rolls of toilet tissue & my poor bottom was reacting with very little co-operation when it came to sitting down. Fortunately, I wasn't the LEAST bit hungry! After the fever went away & I didn't feel like it was mandatory to hug the basket every time I made a move, I risked a few sips of milk. I slept most of the day, but not well....fearing I'd dream about having to go to the bathroom & find out it wasn't a dream! By late in the evening, I was pretty exhausted and feeling weak.....I got on the scale & had lost 8 pounds in less than 48 hours! Nice....but I don't think this is a good diet method.
I spent all day Monday chained to the bathroom again, in spite of a bit of natural cure...eating a couple of slices of swiss cheese (slows down the internal plumbing, they say) but finally whatever "nasty" I'd given myself started to wear off. I ate some more cheese, a small bowl of cereal and by evening a bowl of soup. Total weight loss by this morning was 11 pounds.....but I probably ruined that when I had another Sonic mystery shop at lunch time & forced down a few bites of a burger & some fries....the only I could really finish was a strawberry smoothie. But while I'm not completly back to normal, at least I can cough without having to change my undies again!!
I should have known that the price for fixing the plumbing leak wasn't steep enough for my Karma! Had to pay back more with my own "plumbing" going haywire! I'm guessing I won't be in the mood for a pizza again for a good, long time.