Saturday, April 12, 2008

Granny! Yikes!!'s happened again. My son just called me a little while ago to report the birth of my newest grand-daughter. He had called me a couple of weeks ago to report that his fiance was in labor, but got sent home since it was just Braxton-Hicks contractions. She wasn't due until April 16th anyway.

He called me earlier this week to say that she'd lost her plug, but nothing else was happening on the birth front. They had scheduled induced labor for next Monday, but I warned him they tried that on me when he was born and I ended up going into labor over the weekend, so be ready. So he calls me last night and says poor Lexie has been in labor for two days....back and forth to the hospital and doctor's office since she is only one finger dialated.....but she's been a screaming banshee and he's had no sleep. His boss, who seems to think the world revolves around the custom bus they're currently building, is giving him grief about taking time to run Lexie around. So last night she's finally having contractions about a minute apart and they're headin for the hospital and the boss wants to know if he can come to work today to make up some of the time he's missed......uh....NO! Guess he finally got a clue since he called later to say he understood and offered to pick them all up at the hospital in one of the limos when it was time to go home.

So after being in major labor all night long, Riyah arrived at 9:20 this morning (south Florida time) 8 pounds 7 ounces, 21 1/2 inches, strawberry blond hair, steel blue-grey eyes and already sucking down her first meal.

So, I'm a Granny again......Ah Spring!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats Biker Granny. LOL!! Hope all is well with you.